/* Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Alessandro Warth Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* new syntax: #foo and `foo match the string object 'foo' (it's also accepted in my JS) 'abc' match the string object 'abc' 'c' match the string object 'c' ``abc'' match the sequence of string objects 'a', 'b', 'c' "abc" token('abc') [1 2 3] match the array object [1, 2, 3] foo(bar) apply rule foo with argument bar -> ... semantic actions written in JS (see OMetaParser's atomicHostExpr rule) */ /* ometa M { number = number:n digit:d -> { n * 10 + d.digitValue() } | digit:d -> { d.digitValue() } } translates to... M = objectThatDelegatesTo(OMeta, { number: function() { return this._or(function() { var n = this._apply("number"), d = this._apply("digit") return n * 10 + d.digitValue() }, function() { var d = this._apply("digit") return d.digitValue() } ) } }) M.matchAll("123456789", "number") */ // the failure exception fail = { toString: function() { return "match failed" } } // streams and memoization function OMInputStream(hd, tl) { this.memo = { } this.lst = tl.lst this.idx = tl.idx this.hd = hd this.tl = tl } OMInputStream.prototype.head = function() { return this.hd } OMInputStream.prototype.tail = function() { return this.tl } OMInputStream.prototype.type = function() { return this.lst.constructor } OMInputStream.prototype.upTo = function(that) { var r = [], curr = this while (curr != that) { r.push(curr.head()) curr = curr.tail() } return this.type() == String ? r.join('') : r } function OMInputStreamEnd(lst, idx) { this.memo = { } this.lst = lst this.idx = idx } OMInputStreamEnd.prototype = objectThatDelegatesTo(OMInputStream.prototype) OMInputStreamEnd.prototype.head = function() { throw fail } OMInputStreamEnd.prototype.tail = function() { throw fail } // This is necessary b/c in IE, you can't say "foo"[idx] Array.prototype.at = function(idx) { return this[idx] } String.prototype.at = String.prototype.charAt function ListOMInputStream(lst, idx) { this.memo = { } this.lst = lst this.idx = idx this.hd = lst.at(idx) } ListOMInputStream.prototype = objectThatDelegatesTo(OMInputStream.prototype) ListOMInputStream.prototype.head = function() { return this.hd } ListOMInputStream.prototype.tail = function() { return this.tl || (this.tl = makeListOMInputStream(this.lst, this.idx + 1)) } function makeListOMInputStream(lst, idx) { return new (idx < lst.length ? ListOMInputStream : OMInputStreamEnd)(lst, idx) } Array.prototype.toOMInputStream = function() { return makeListOMInputStream(this, 0) } String.prototype.toOMInputStream = function() { return makeListOMInputStream(this, 0) } function makeOMInputStreamProxy(target) { return objectThatDelegatesTo(target, { memo: { }, target: target, tail: function() { return makeOMInputStreamProxy(target.tail()) } }) } // Failer (i.e., that which makes things fail) is used to detect (direct) left recursion and memoize failures function Failer() { } Failer.prototype.used = false // the OMeta "class" and basic functionality OMeta = { _apply: function(rule) { var memoRec = this.input.memo[rule] if (memoRec == undefined) { var origInput = this.input, failer = new Failer() this.input.memo[rule] = failer this.input.memo[rule] = memoRec = {ans: this[rule].call(this), nextInput: this.input} if (failer.used) { var sentinel = this.input while (true) { try { this.input = origInput var ans = this[rule].call(this) if (this.input == sentinel) throw fail memoRec.ans = ans memoRec.nextInput = this.input } catch (f) { if (f != fail) throw f break } } } } else if (memoRec instanceof Failer) { memoRec.used = true throw fail } this.input = memoRec.nextInput return memoRec.ans }, // note: _applyWithArgs and _superApplyWithArgs are not memoized, so they can't be left-recursive _applyWithArgs: function(rule) { for (var idx = arguments.length - 1; idx > 0; idx--) this._prependInput(arguments[idx]) return this[rule].call(this) }, _superApplyWithArgs: function(recv, rule) { for (var idx = arguments.length - 1; idx > 1; idx--) recv._prependInput(arguments[idx]) return this[rule].call(recv) }, _prependInput: function(v) { this.input = new OMInputStream(v, this.input) }, // if you want your grammar (and its subgrammars) to memoize parameterized rules, invoke this method on it: memoizeParameterizedRules: function() { this._prependInput = function(v) { var newInput if (isImmutable(v)) { newInput = this.input[getTag(v)] if (!newInput) { newInput = new OMInputStream(v, this.input) this.input[getTag(v)] = newInput } } else newInput = new OMInputStream(v, this.input) this.input = newInput } this._applyWithArgs = function(rule) { for (var idx = arguments.length - 1; idx > 0; idx--) this._prependInput(arguments[idx]) return this._apply(rule) } }, _pred: function(b) { if (b) return true throw fail }, _not: function(x) { var origInput = this.input try { x.call(this) } catch (f) { if (f != fail) throw f this.input = origInput return true } throw fail }, _lookahead: function(x) { var origInput = this.input, r = x.call(this) this.input = origInput return r }, _or: function() { var origInput = this.input for (var idx = 0; idx < arguments.length; idx++) try { this.input = origInput; return arguments[idx].call(this) } catch (f) { if (f != fail) throw f } throw fail }, _xor: function(ruleName) { var origInput = this.input, idx = 1, newInput, ans while (idx < arguments.length) { try { this.input = origInput ans = arguments[idx].call(this) if (newInput) throw 'more than one choice matched by "exclusive-OR" in ' + ruleName newInput = this.input } catch (f) { if (f != fail) throw f } idx++ } if (newInput) { this.input = newInput return ans } else throw fail }, disableXORs: function() { this._xor = function(ruleName) { var origInput = this.input for (var idx = 1; idx < arguments.length; idx++) try { this.input = origInput; return arguments[idx].call(this) } catch (f) { if (f != fail) throw f } throw fail } }, _opt: function(x) { var origInput = this.input, ans try { ans = x.call(this) } catch (f) { if (f != fail) throw f this.input = origInput } return ans }, _many: function(x) { var ans = arguments[1] != undefined ? [arguments[1]] : [] while (true) { var origInput = this.input try { ans.push(x.call(this)) } catch (f) { if (f != fail) throw f this.input = origInput break } } return ans }, _many1: function(x) { return this._many(x, x.call(this)) }, _form: function(x) { var v = this._apply("anything") if (!isSequenceable(v)) throw fail var origInput = this.input this.input = v.toOMInputStream() var r = x.call(this) this._apply("end") this.input = origInput return v }, _consumedBy: function(x) { var origInput = this.input x.call(this) return origInput.upTo(this.input) }, _idxConsumedBy: function(x) { var origInput = this.input x.call(this) return {fromIdx: origInput.idx, toIdx: this.input.idx} }, _interleave: function(mode1, part1, mode2, part2 /* ..., moden, partn */) { var currInput = this.input, ans = [] for (var idx = 0; idx < arguments.length; idx += 2) ans[idx / 2] = (arguments[idx] == "*" || arguments[idx] == "+") ? [] : undefined while (true) { var idx = 0, allDone = true while (idx < arguments.length) { if (arguments[idx] != "0") try { this.input = currInput switch (arguments[idx]) { case "*": ans[idx / 2].push(arguments[idx + 1].call(this)); break case "+": ans[idx / 2].push(arguments[idx + 1].call(this)); arguments[idx] = "*"; break case "?": ans[idx / 2] = arguments[idx + 1].call(this); arguments[idx] = "0"; break case "1": ans[idx / 2] = arguments[idx + 1].call(this); arguments[idx] = "0"; break default: throw "invalid mode '" + arguments[idx] + "' in OMeta._interleave" } currInput = this.input break } catch (f) { if (f != fail) throw f // if this (failed) part's mode is "1" or "+", we're not done yet allDone = allDone && (arguments[idx] == "*" || arguments[idx] == "?") } idx += 2 } if (idx == arguments.length) { if (allDone) return ans else throw fail } } }, _currIdx: function() { return this.input.idx }, // some basic rules anything: function() { var r = this.input.head() this.input = this.input.tail() return r }, end: function() { return this._not(function() { return this._apply("anything") }) }, pos: function() { return this.input.idx }, empty: function() { return true }, apply: function() { var r = this._apply("anything") return this._apply(r) }, foreign: function() { var g = this._apply("anything"), r = this._apply("anything"), gi = objectThatDelegatesTo(g, {input: makeOMInputStreamProxy(this.input)}) var ans = gi._apply(r) this.input = gi.input.target return ans }, // some useful "derived" rules exactly: function() { var wanted = this._apply("anything") if (wanted === this._apply("anything")) return wanted throw fail }, "true": function() { var r = this._apply("anything") this._pred(r === true) return r }, "false": function() { var r = this._apply("anything") this._pred(r === false) return r }, "undefined": function() { var r = this._apply("anything") this._pred(r === undefined) return r }, number: function() { var r = this._apply("anything") this._pred(typeof r === "number") return r }, string: function() { var r = this._apply("anything") this._pred(typeof r === "string") return r }, "char": function() { var r = this._apply("anything") this._pred(typeof r === "string" && r.length == 1) return r }, space: function() { var r = this._apply("char") this._pred(r.charCodeAt(0) <= 32) return r }, spaces: function() { return this._many(function() { return this._apply("space") }) }, digit: function() { var r = this._apply("char") this._pred(r >= "0" && r <= "9") return r }, lower: function() { var r = this._apply("char") this._pred(r >= "a" && r <= "z") return r }, upper: function() { var r = this._apply("char") this._pred(r >= "A" && r <= "Z") return r }, letter: function() { return this._or(function() { return this._apply("lower") }, function() { return this._apply("upper") }) }, letterOrDigit: function() { return this._or(function() { return this._apply("letter") }, function() { return this._apply("digit") }) }, firstAndRest: function() { var first = this._apply("anything"), rest = this._apply("anything") return this._many(function() { return this._apply(rest) }, this._apply(first)) }, seq: function() { var xs = this._apply("anything") for (var idx = 0; idx < xs.length; idx++) this._applyWithArgs("exactly", xs.at(idx)) return xs }, notLast: function() { var rule = this._apply("anything"), r = this._apply(rule) this._lookahead(function() { return this._apply(rule) }) return r }, initialize: function() { }, // match and matchAll are a grammar's "public interface" _genericMatch: function(input, rule, args, matchFailed) { if (args == undefined) args = [] var realArgs = [rule] for (var idx = 0; idx < args.length; idx++) realArgs.push(args[idx]) var m = objectThatDelegatesTo(this, {input: input}) m.initialize() try { return realArgs.length == 1 ? m._apply.call(m, realArgs[0]) : m._applyWithArgs.apply(m, realArgs) } catch (f) { if (f == fail && matchFailed != undefined) { var input = m.input if (input.idx != undefined) { while (input.tl != undefined && input.tl.idx != undefined) input = input.tl input.idx-- } return matchFailed(m, input.idx) } throw f } }, match: function(obj, rule, args, matchFailed) { return this._genericMatch([obj].toOMInputStream(), rule, args, matchFailed) }, matchAll: function(listyObj, rule, args, matchFailed) { return this._genericMatch(listyObj.toOMInputStream(), rule, args, matchFailed) } }